For $90,000 you can buy 7 baseball cards signed by Mickey Mantle. For $65,000 you can buy an engraved skull pen. For $38,000 you can buy Neil Armstrong's Barber's scissors. For $33,000 you can buy a deformed "Mystic" can of coke. For $5,000 you can get liposuction. For $3,600 you can spend $100/month over the course of 3 years with a fancy gym membership. For $2,145 you can buy … [Read more...]
SculpSure vs CoolSculpt
It’s pretty much safe to say that when choosing a laser (or otherwise) fat loss treatment- everyone is looking for the best price x least amount of discomfort x maximum fat removal. Getting a thorough idea of what’s best for you should include consulting with a technician and doing some online research about the treatment that you’re interested in getting done. When it comes to non-invasive fat … [Read more...]
Microblading Aftercare
Microblading aftercare is very important to the future of your new brows! Do not let any water, lotion, soap, or makeup touch your eyebrow area during the first 7 days after you get your eyebrows done. Your technician should provide you with an after care ointment. After 5-7 days, make sure your hands are completely clean, and dry when you ever so gently apply it to your brows. You only need to … [Read more...]
My Top 5 favorite Ultra Luxe Products
Beauty brand Ultra-Luxe has been around for a while but I only just got to (finally!) try it recently. I opted for a professional facial rather than just haphazardly slathering some product on my face without knowing what the hell I was doing. My favorite esthetician EVER, Maya – at Petals Laser NYC gave me their “Eye-Mazing” facial and then gave me a rundown of the entire product line. I … [Read more...]
SculpSure 101 – Laser Fat Reduction
Raise your hand if you’ve ever been personally victimized by stubborn fat. *Raises both of my hands and waves them around incessantly* Okay, great- so all of us here are on the same page. You’re dieting, working out, drinking water, and you even cut down on your post work margaritas twice a week (ugh), but you still have some of that junk in your trunk, goose in your caboose, or love in those … [Read more...]
Think laser is just for women? Think again.
More recently, Hair removal has become increasingly popular with men. We see it in style, fashion, and fitness. Less hair means showing more surface area. Back muscles look more prominent, abs sleeker, arms bigger, and ahem, other areas become more appealing. In a recent and very scientific study done by me asking all of my female friends- more than half of women said they prefer a man with less … [Read more...]