Hello, Our Beautiful Petalites!
We hope this email reaches you in Good Health and Positive Spirits considering what we have all went through for the past few months. Our prayers and deepest condolences to all who have suffered during this awful pandemic!
Looks like New York City is slowly “waking” up. 😊 We are taking extra measures to ensure a safe and clean environment as well as having staff properly equipped with PPE. Having said that, Petals is open once again (Yaaay we are sooo excited to see you all again!) with Covid-19 preventative measurements, as follows, to keep us All Safe and Sound!
- All customers, including existing ones, will be required to fill out “new customer” forms, for things may have changed tremendously which is vital information to your treatment.
- When you confirm your appointment please let us know if anything has changed or if you feel any symptoms of not being well, even if you do not think it’s Covid-19 related. This way we can reschedule to a later date in order to protect all of our patrons and staff! For extra measure, we will prescreen you for temperature upon arrival.
- Appointments will be given extra time in order to limit the overlap of customers coming in, so please try to be conscientious of everyone’s allotted time slot and arrive on time. If you are not able to keep your time, please notify us and we will accommodate the next available spot.
- Please do not walk in prior to your appointment or stay after (we will not have seating available), once again to limit any potential interaction.
- Please do not bring anyone with you to your appointment, that includes family members, children, or any pets (even if they are in the carry on).
- Masks are required, but if you forgot or lost one, no worries we got you “covered” as we will provide one for you. 😊
- Please do not place your purse/backpacks on any furniture, you will be provided with a disposable plastic liner to put them into.
- Filters are running, wipes and sanitizers are available. We all have been trained on proper COVID-19 procedures and etiquette, so let’s all stay Healthy and Beautiful and Welcome back our Lovely Petalites!!!
See you very soon
Team Petals